669 documents matched the search for C50 C45 C30 in JEL-codes.
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Hisse Senedi Piyasalarının Kaotik Yapısı ve Yapay Sinir Ağları ile öngörüsü: IMKB-100 örneği, Selin Devrim Özdemi̇r and Işıl Akgül,
in Iktisat Isletme ve Finans
Keywords: Doğrusal Olmama, Kaos, BDS Testi, Lyapunov Üsteli, Yapay Sinir Ağları, İMKB-100 Endeksi, Diebold-Mariano Testi
Reseaux generalises multiclasses avec synchronisations cycliques, J.-M. Fourneau, N. Pekergin and D. Verchere,
from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
Systemes impulsionnels et hybrides impulsionnels avec memoire, J.-P. Aubin and G. Haddad,
from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
Use of an Hourglass Model in Neuronal Coding, M. Cottrell and T.S. Turova,
from Université Panthéon-Sorbonne (Paris 1)
Credit–Risk Assessment Using Support Vectors Machine and Multilayer Neural Network Models: A Comparative Study Case of a Tunisian Bank, Adel Karaa and Aida Krichene,
in Journal of Accounting and Management Information Systems
Keywords: Banking sector, Accounting data, Credit risk assessment, Default risk Prediction, Neural network, SVM, classification, training
Използване на дълбоки невронни мрежи за откриване на измами с кредитни карти, Ангелин Лалев and Александрина Александрова,
in Scientific Research Almanac
Keywords: измами с кредитни карти, дълбоки невронни мрежи, генеративно съперничество
Management Based on Data Analysis. Part Two. Artificial Intelligence Data Modeling, Constantin Ilie and Andreea-Daniela Moraru,
in Ovidius University Annals, Economic Sciences Series
Keywords: management, artificial neural networks, human resources, evaluation
from Faculty of Economic Cybernetics, Statistics and Informatics, Academy of Economic Studies and National Defence University "Carol I", DEPARTMENT FOR MANAGEMENT OF THE DEFENCE RESOURCES AND EDUCATION
Keywords: Operational Risk, Advanced Measurement Approach, Loss Distribution Approach, Artificial Neural Networks, Genetic Algorithms
Autocalibration and Tweedie-dominance for insurance pricing with machine learning, Michel Denuit, Arthur Charpentier and Julien Trufin,
from Université catholique de Louvain, Institute of Statistics, Biostatistics and Actuarial Sciences (ISBA)
Keywords: Risk classification ; Method of marginal totals ; Tweedie distribution family ; Convex order ; Autocalibration
in Revista de Economía y Administración
Keywords: Tienda de barrio, oferta de productos,calidad y variedad de productos, redesneuronales artificiales.
in Fuzzy Economic Review
Keywords: Fuzzy Techniques, Genetic Evolution, Integrated Fuzzy Systems, Imprecise Decision Making
in Fuzzy Economic Review
Keywords: Recurrent Neural Networks, multiobjective, time series prediction
Evaluation of Fuzzy Rules Extracted from Data, Adam Schenker, Mark Last and Abraham Kandel,
in Fuzzy Economic Review
Keywords: Fuzzy hypothesis testing, fuzzy rule evaluation, data mining, approximate reasoning, sampling
Voluntary Participation as a Determinant of Social Capital in France Allowing for Parameter Heterogeneity, Marie Lebreton and Katia Melnik,
in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems
Keywords: Social Capital; Parameter Heterogeneity; Neural network Models
Artificial Neural Networks for Energy Management System Applicability and Limitations of the Main Paradigms, Gonzalo Joya, Francisco Garcìa-Lagos, Miguel A. Atencia and Francisco Sandoval,
in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems
Keywords: Artificial Neuronal Network; Energy Management System; Neural Paradigms Applicability; Input Selection
Multi-Step-Ahead Prediction with Neural Networks, Romuald Boné and Michel Crucianu,
in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems
Keywords: Time Series Prediction; Neural Networks; Multi-step-ahead Prediction; Longrange Dependencies
Design of Artificial Neural Networks using Evolutionary Computation, Francisco Sandoval, Francisco Garcìa-Lagos and Gonzalo Joya,
in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems
Keywords: Genetic Algorithms; Evolutionary Computation; Artificial Neural Networks
No-linealidades en la demanda de efectivo en Colombia: las redes neuronales como herramienta de pronóstico, Martha Misas, Enrique López, Carlos Alberto Arango and uan Nicolás Hernández A.,
in Revista ESPE - Ensayos Sobre Política Económica
Neural networks. Editorial, Patrice Gaubert,
in European Journal of Economic and Social Systems
Keywords: Neural Network; Pseudo Panels; Financial Data
Recurrent neural network based parameter estimation of Hawkes model on high-frequency financial data, Kyungsub Lee,
in Finance Research Letters
Keywords: High-frequency stock price; Hawkes model; Neural network; Estimation; Volatility;
Development of an Ensemble of Models for Predicting Socio-Economic Indicators of the Russian Federation using IRT-Theory and Bagging Methods, Olga Kitova and Victoria Savinova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Socio-economic Indicators of the Russian Federation, Forecasting, Bagging, Multiple Linear Regression, Neural Networks, Item Response Theory
Neural Networks. A General Framework for Non-Linear Function Approximation, Manfred Fischer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: n.a.
Learning in Neural Spatial Interaction Models: A Statistical Perspective, Manfred Fischer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Maximum likelihood learning, local search, global search, backpropagation of gradient descents, Alopex procedure, origin constrained neural spatial interaction model
A Methodology for Neural Spatial Interaction Modeling, Manfred Fischer and Martin Reismann,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: n.a.
Optimization in an Error Backpropagation Neural Network Environment with a Performance Test on a Pattern Classification Problem, Manfred Fischer and Petra Staufer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Feedforward Neural Network Training, Numerical Optimization Techniques, Error Backpropagation, Cross-Entropy Error Function, Multispectral Pixel-by-Pixel Classification.
Evaluation of Neural Pattern Classifiers for a Remote Sensing Application, Manfred Fischer, Sucharita Gopal, Petra Staufer and Klaus Steinnocher,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Neural Classifiers, Classification of Multispectral Image Data, Pixel-by-Pixel Classification, Backpropagation, Sensitivity Analysis
Expert Systems and Artificial Neural Networks for Spatial Analysis and Modelling. Essential Components for Knowledge-Based Geographical Information Systems, Manfred Fischer,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: n.a.
Artificial Neural Networks. A New Approach to Modelling Interregional Telecommunication Flows, Manfred Fischer and Sucharita Gopal,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: n.a.
A review of Knowledge Graph and Graph Neural Network application, Elda Xhumari, Suela Maxhelaku and Endrit Xhina,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Knowledge Graph, Graph Neural Network, DeepWalk, Node2Vec, Structural Deep Network Embedding
Artificial Stupidity: A Reply, Jens Carsten Jackwerth,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Artifical; Stupidity; Neural Networks
Forecasting Exchange-Rates via Local Approximation Methods and Neural Networks, Andreas S. Andreou, George Zombanakis, E. F. Georgopoulos and S. D. Likothanassis,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Key Words: Exchange Rates, Forecasting, Neural Networks
Case Study in Banking Using Neural Networks, Alisa Bilal Zorić,
from IRENET - Society for Advancing Innovation and Research in Economy, Zagreb
Keywords: data mining, neural network, banking, alyuda
Domestic Investment and the Cost of Capital in the Caribbean, Shaun K. Roache,
in Applied Econometrics and International Development
Usage of artificial neural networks in data classification, Elda Xhumari and Julian Fejzaj,
from International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences
Keywords: Artificial Neural Networks, Data Classification, Naïve Bayes, Discriminant Analysis, Nearest Neighbor
Augmenting Pre-Analysis Plans with Machine Learning, Jens Ludwig, Sendhil Mullainathan and Jann Spiess,
in AEA Papers and Proceedings
Management of Early Failure Detection of Production Process: The Case of the Clutch Shaft Alignment using LSTM Deep Learning Algorithm, Bartosz Przysucha, Tomasz Rymarczyk, Dariusz Wojcik, Marcin Kowalski and Ryszard Bialek,
in European Research Studies Journal
Keywords: LSTM deep learning, predictive maintenance, ANN artificial neutral network.
Existence and Global Attractivity of Stable Solutions in Neural Networks, Patrick Leoni and Pietro Senesi,
from Institute for Empirical Research in Economics - University of Zurich
Keywords: Neural Networks, Stable Value
Financial Computational Intelligence, Chiu-Che Tseng and Yu-Chieh Lin,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, neural network, decision tree, bayesian network
Machine learning in supply chain: prediction of real-time e-order arrivals using ANFIS, Ihab K. A. Hamdan, Wulamu Aziguli, Dezheng Zhang and Eli Sumarliah,
in International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management
Keywords: Machine learning, E-commerce, Supply chain management, Third-party logistics, Real-time demand prediction
Stratified/Pca: A data and variable processing method for the construction of neural network models, Gerardo A. Colmenares L.,
in Economía
Keywords: Modelos de redes neuronales, estratificación, análisis de componentes principales, reducción de datos, reducción de variables, preprocesamiento de datos.
Autocalibration and Tweedie-dominance for insurance pricing with machine learning, Michel Denuit, Arthur Charpentier and Julien Trufin,
in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Keywords: Risk classification; Method of marginal totals; Tweedie distribution family; Convex order; Autocalibration;
Wicked Problems Might Inspire Greater Data Sharing, Susan Aaronson,
from The George Washington University, Institute for International Economic Policy
Keywords: data, AI, public good, wicked problems, data-sharing
Enhancing the Usability of European Digital Cultural Library Using Web Architectures and Deep Learning, Octavian Machidon, Dragoș Stoica and Aleš Tavčar,
from Springer
Keywords: Digital cultural library, Semantic web, Deep learning
The Carnegie Conjecture: Some Empirical Evidence, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, David Joulfaian and Harvey Rosen,
from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Keywords: inheritance, estate, labor supply
The application of clustering analysis to international private indebtedness, André Monteiro D'Almeida Monteiro, Dionísio Dias Carneiro and Carlos Pedreira,
from Department of Economics PUC-Rio (Brazil)
Reti Neurali Artificiali: Teoria ed Applicazioni Finanziarie, Crescenzio Gallo,
from Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Matematiche e Statistiche, Universita' di Foggia
Keywords: reti neurali artificiali; modellizzazione.
Behaviour of Humans and Behaviour of Models in Dynamic Space, Peter Nijkamp,
from Tinbergen Institute
Keywords: Quantitative geography, spatial interaction models, neural networks
Analysis of ROBECO data by neural networks, Wojtek Kowalczyk and Rafał Weron,
from Hugo Steinhaus Center, Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Keywords: Neural network; Classification; Client satisfaction;
Social Networking Sites: A premise on enhancement, Maninderpal Singh Saini and Gyewon Moon,
in Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce
Keywords: Social Networking Sites; Decision Making; Leadership; User feedback
No More Cost in Translation: Validating Open-Source Machine Translation for Quantitative Text Analysis, Hauke Licht, Ronja Sczepanski, Moritz Laurer and Ayjeren Bekmuratovna,
from University of Bonn and University of Cologne, Germany
Keywords: machine translation, multilingual topic modeling, multilingual Transformers
Who are They Talking About? Detecting Mentions of Social Groups in Political Texts with Supervised Learning, Hauke Licht and Ronja Sczepanksi,
from University of Bonn and University of Cologne, Germany
Keywords: social groups, political rhetoric, computational text analysis, supervised classification
Lisrel ile Yapisal Esitlik Modelleri: Tuketici Sikayetlerine Uygulanmasi, Veysel Yilmaz,
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: Stuructural equation modeling, Latent variables, Consumer complaints.
in Anadolu University Journal of Social Sciences
Keywords: SERVQUAL, Quality in higher education, Service quality
Validation of SERVQUAL Model in Relation to Customer Loyalty: Evidence from FMCGs in Pakistan, Ammar Ahmed, Faiz Muhammad Khuwaja, Ismail Bin Lebai Othman, Muhammad Asif Qureshi and Rao Akmal Ali,
in Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business
Keywords: SERVQUAL; Service Quality; Customer Loyalty; Fast Moving Consumer Goods; PLS-SEM.
Discrete multivariate distributions, Oleg Yu. Vorobyev,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: multivariate discrete distribution; multivariate Binomial distribution; multivariate Poisson distribution; eventology; dependence of events
A Monte Carlo study on two methods of calculating the MLEs covariance matrix in a seemingly unrelated nonlinear regression, Mark Jensen,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: nonlinear SURE models, covariance estimates, hypothesis testing of neoclassical theory
Conjugate Gradient methods for solving sparse Simultaneous Equations Models, Paolo Foschi and Erricos Kontoghiorghes,
from Society for Computational Economics
Keywords: Simultaneous Equations Models, 3SLS, Conjugate Gradient methods
A Model of Energy Demand in the U.S. Commercial Sector with Declining Rate Schedules, Frank Denton, Dean Mountain and Byron Spencer,
from McMaster University
Keywords: energy demand; declining rate schedules
An Alternative Approach to Obtaining Nagar-Type Moment Approximations in Sumultaneous Equation Models, Garry Phillips,
from University of Exeter, Department of Economics
Simultaneous Equation Econometrics: The Missing Example, Dennis Epple and Bennett McCallum,
in Economic Inquiry
Denis Sargan: some perspectives, Peter M. Robinson,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: Denis Sargan; Tooke Chair of Economic Science and Statistics; asymptotic theory and large models; semiparametric econometrics.
Inference in partially identified heteroskedastic simultaneous equations models, Helmut Lütkepohl, George Milunovich and Minxian Yang,
in Journal of Econometrics
Keywords: Heteroskedasticity; Simultaneous equations models; Testing for identification; Davies’ problem;
A Mean Probability Event for a Set of Events, Oleg Yu. Vorobyev and Natalia A. Lukyanova,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: eventology, probability, universal probability space, universal elementary outcome, universal event, set of universal events, mean measure set, mean probability event, mean probability terrace partition.
An econometric analysis of volatility discovery, Gustavo Fruet Dias, Fotis Papailias and Cristina Scherrer,
from London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Library
Keywords: double asymptotics; fractionally cointegrated vector autoregressive model; high-frequency data; long memory; market microstructure; price discovery; realized measures
Instrumental Variables and the Search for Identification: From Supply and Demand to Natural Experiments, Joshua Angrist and Alan Krueger,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
Split Sample Instrumental Variables, Joshua Angrist and Alan Krueger,
from National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc
Mismeasured Variables in Econometric Analysis: Problems from the Right and Problems from the Left, Jerry Hausman,
in Journal of Economic Perspectives
A note on the double k-class estimator in simultaneous equations, Kajal Lahiri and Chuanming Gao,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Limited Information; Simultaneous Equations; Finite Sample; Mean Squared Error.
Stima delle equazioni simultanee non-lineari: una rassegna, Giorgio Calzolari,
from University Library of Munich, Germany
Keywords: Econometric models; simultaneous equations; nonlinear models; estimation methods; survey
Combining cluster analysis with synthetic control for evaluating economic impacts of the dam breach in Mariana, Brazil, Leonardo Biazoli, Ednilson Sebastião Ávila and Izabela Regina Cardoso Oliveira,
in Empirical Economics
Keywords: Causal inference, Dynamic time warping, Sociotechnical disasters, Cluster analysis
Central and east European social policy and European union accession - time for reflections, Noemi Lendvai,
in Financial Theory and Practice
Keywords: European Union Accession, social policy, institutionalism
Threshold Effects of Institutional Quality in the Infrastructure-Growth Nexus, Eyitayo O. Ogbaro,
in Journal of Quantitative Methods
Keywords: infrastructure; institutions and growth; sub-Saharan Africa; principal components; threshold regression model; first-differenced General Method of Moments
Testing of a Structures Covariance Matrix for Three-Level Repeated Measures Data, Anuradha Roy and Ricardo Leiva,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: Kronecker product covariance structure, maximum likelihood estimates, equicorrelated partitioned matrix, three-level multivariate data.
An Extension of the Traditional Classi cation Rules: the Case of Non-Random Samples, Anuradha Roy and Ricardo Leiva,
from College of Business, University of Texas at San Antonio
Keywords: Classi cation rules; Non-random samples; Jointly equicorrelated training vectors
The Poisson random effect model for experience ratemaking: Limitations and alternative solutions, Woojoo Lee, Jeonghwan Kim and Jae Youn Ahn,
in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Keywords: Poisson random-effect model; Claim frequency; Dependence; Experience ratemaking; Negative binomial distribution;
Double-counting problem of the bonus–malus system, Rosy Oh, Kyung Suk Lee, Sojung C. Park and Jae Youn Ahn,
in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Keywords: Bonus–malus system; Ratemaking; Double counting; Optimization; Auto insurance;
On the ordering of credibility factors, Jae Youn Ahn, Himchan Jeong and Yang Lu,
in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics
Keywords: Dependence; Posterior ratemaking; Credibility; Auto insurance; Time series; Dynamic random effects;
Exact Distribution Theory in Structural Estimation with an Identity, Peter Phillips,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Exact distribution, Identity, IV estimation, LIML, Structural equation, Uniform asymptotic expansion
A Remark on Bimodality and Weak Instrumentation in Structural Equation Estimation, Peter Phillips,
from Cowles Foundation for Research in Economics, Yale University
Keywords: Attraction, Bimodality, Concentration parameter, Identity, Inverse normal, Point of compression, Structural Equation, Weak instrumentation
Inference in Partially Identified Heteroskedastic Simultaneous Equations Models, Helmut Lütkepohl, George Milunivich and Minxian Yang,
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research
Keywords: Heteroskedasticity, simultaneous equations models, testing for identification, Davies' problem
The Properties of Procedures Dealing with Uncertainty about Intercept and Deterministic Trend in Unit Root Testing, R Scott Hacker and Abdulnasser Hatemi-J,
from Royal Institute of Technology, CESIS - Centre of Excellence for Science and Innovation Studies
Keywords: Unit Roots; Deterministic Components; Model Selection
Measuring Income-Related Health Inequalities in Sweden, Ulf-G. Gerdtham and Gun Sundberg,
from Stockholm School of Economics
Keywords: Equity; distribution; inequalities; health
Tournaments with prize-setting agents, Kristoffer W. Eriksen, Ola Kvaløy and Trond Olsen,
from Norwegian School of Economics, Department of Business and Management Science
Keywords: Rank-order tournament; prize spread; ability-difference
Exact Small Sample Properties of the Instrumental Variable Estimator. A View From a Different Angle, Halvor Mehlum,
from Oslo University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Instrument; variable; estimator
A polar confidence curve applied to Fieller’s ratios, Halvor Mehlum,
from Oslo University, Department of Economics
Keywords: Confidence curve; Fieller solution; test
A Poisson Ridge Regression Estimator, Kristofer Månsson and Ghazi Shukur,
from HUI Research
Keywords: Poisson regression; maximum likelihood; ridge regression; MSE; Monte Carlo simulations; Multicollinearity
Modified Ridge Parameters for Seemingly Unrelated Regression Model, Zangin Zeebari, Ghazi Shukur and B. M. Golam Kibria,
from HUI Research
Keywords: Multicollinearity; modified SUR ridge regression; Monte Carlo simulations; TMSE
A New Asymmetric Interaction Ridge (AIR) Regression Method, Kristofer Månsson, Ghazi Shukur and Pär Sjölander,
from HUI Research
Keywords: OLS; multicollinearity; regression analysis
Graphical Interpretations of Rank Conditions For Identification of Linear Gaussian Models, Nikolay Arefiev,
from National Research University Higher School of Economics
Keywords: graphical models, identi cation, rank condition
Understanding Post-War Changes in U.S. Household Production: A Full-Income Demand-System Perspective, Wallace Huffman,
from Iowa State University, Department of Economics
Keywords: complete-demand system; household production; housework; price elasticities; income elasticities; post-World War II
Estimating Demand Systems when Outcomes Are Correlated Count, Joseph Herriges, Daniel Phaneuf and Justin Tobias,
from Iowa State University, Department of Economics
Keywords: recreation demand; Demand systems; counts; Bayesian analysis
Bayesian Model Averaging in the Instrumental Variable Regression Model*, Gary Koop, Roberto Leon-Gonzalez and Rodney Strachan,
from University of Strathclyde Business School, Department of Economics
Keywords: Bayesian, endogeneity, simultaneous equations, reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo.
On the Bimodality of the Exact Distribution of the TSLS Estimator, Giovanni Forchini,
from Monash University, Department of Econometrics and Business Statistics
Keywords: Bimodality, Identification, Structural equation, Two Stage Least Squares.
Instrumental Variables and the Search for Identification: From Supply and Demand to Natural Experiments, Joshua Angrist and Alan Krueger,
from Princeton University, Department of Economics, Industrial Relations Section.
Keywords: instrumental variables, natural experiment
Outlier Detection and Editing Procedures for Continuous Multivariate Data, Bonnie Ghosh-Dastider and J. Schafer,
from Princeton University, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Office of Population Research.
Keywords: Contaminated normal; EM algorithm; outliers; posterior probability
The non-parametric identification of the mixed proportional hazards competing risks model, Jaap H. Abbring and Gerard J. van den Berg,
from VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Econometrics
Keywords: competing risks; mixed proportional hazard; non-parametric identification; frailty; duration model; multiple spells.
GMM Based Inference with Standard Stratified Samples when the Aggregate Shares are Known, Gautam Tripathi,
from University of Connecticut, Department of Economics
Keywords: Generalized method of moments, GMM, standard stratified sampling.
Inference in Partially Identified Heteroskedastic Simultaneous Equations Models, Helmut Lütkepohl, George Milunovich and Minxian Yang,
from School of Economics, The University of New South Wales
Keywords: Heteroskedasticity, simultaneous equations models, testing for identification, Davies' problem
On Estimating Multiple Treatment Effects with Regression, Paul Goldsmith-Pinkham, Peter Hull and Michal Kolesár,
from Princeton University. Economics Department.
Keywords: regressions, treatment effect
Are Nearly “Exogenous Instruments” Reliable?, Daniel Berkowitz, Mehmet Caner and Ying Fang,
from Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE), Xiamen University
Keywords: Valid Instruments, Weak Identification, Inference.